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Thank you for visiting the lab website. Please explore to learn about our new research on people perception and intergroup relations!

Lab News:

Spring 2024 - Undergraduate student research assistants Anna Faulkner, Lucius Wu, Ama Mykyta, Bee Stanton, and Merrick Hoel will present three research posters at the 2024 Society for Personality and Social Psychology conference in San Diego!

Summer 2023 - Congrats to Lorenzo Sacchi on his successful application to and completion of the Occidental Summer Research Program! Check out his research at the Occidental Summer Research Program Conference!

Spring 2023 - Two papers accepted to be published! One in the Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology about racial bias in the mental representation of Oppositional Defiance Disorder and the other in American Behavioral Scientist on Asian American women's workplace experiences from a gendered race theory lens.

Spring 2023 - Undergraduate student research assistants Lucius Wu and Anna Faulkner present their research at the Western Psychological Association at UC Riverside (see left photo)!

Fall 2022 - New publication on Power and the Confrontation of Sexism with Cheryl Dickter, Margaret Shih, and former student Jenniffer Wong Chavez, published in the Journal of Social Psychology:

Fall 2022 - Prof. Nicholas Alt begins a new job as an Assistant Professor at Occidental College

Spring 2022 - Check out the lab's 4 undergraduate research posters and 1 graduate poster at SPSP 2022!

Fall 2021 - Congrats to Jenniffer Wong Chavez and other recipients for being awarded the 2021 Small-Scale Events Advancing SPSSI (SEAS) Grant for the Mini-Conference for Undocumented Students and Scholars in Psychology

Fall 2021 - New publication on People Perception - Alt, N. P.*, & Phillips, L. T.* (2021). Person perception, meet people perception: Exploring the social vision of groups. Perspectives on Psychological Science. Advance online publication.

*shared first-authorship

Spring 2021 - Congrats to RA Amber McCready's 1st place finish during the CSULB Psych Week Research Competition

Spring 2021 - Excited to welcome Erick Garcia and Nathaniel Spilkin as first year graduate students!

Spring 2021 - New publication on Assessing Social Network Positions from Faces - Alt, N. P., Parkinson, C., Kleinbaum, A. M., & Johnson, K. L. (2021). The face of social networks: Native observers' accurate assessment of others' social network position from faces. Social Psychological & Personality Science.

11.03.20 - Undergraduate posters for SPSP Accepted! Be on the look out for the great research conducted in our lab.

10.30.20 - Esther Choe received Honorable Mention for Undergraduate Posters at the Alliance for Graduate Education and Professoriate (AGEP) conference hosted online through Michigan State University

7/31/20 - Excited to announce that Dr. Alt was awarded a National Science Foundation Collaborative Research grant - Social Perception of Groups with Dr. Kerri Johnson at UCLA.

7/27/20 - Welcome M.A. student Jenniffer Wong Chavez to CSULB and the SP&J lab! Jenniffer will be a first-year graduate student.

7/24/20 - Congrats to Esther Choe for completing and presenting a poster at the BUILD Annual Summer Symposium.


Updated Summer 2023. Proudly created with

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